Poets Pages has been a popular publication in the Poets Corner area since September 2011 being delivered every month to over 3,200 local addresses and businesses.
We also have many branded distribution points around Poets Corner where people can pick up their copy of Poets Pages each month. See below for a list of where our distribution boxes are located.
Poets Pages is a combination of local business adverts and articles sent in from Poets Corner residents and community groups in the Poets Corner area. An uploaded version of the latest edition is available to the left of this page. Just click on the image of the cover and scroll through. Back copies of previous editions are all available below.
If you are interested in advertising please see our Rate Card below.
If you are a member of a local group or if you have something you might like to get published please get in touch.
To see the rates for advertising in Poets Pages please see here.
As well as door to door distribution please see all the multiple pick up points where members of the public can pick up copies of Poets Pages below…
Poets Pages Pick Up Points
All residents and businesses in Poets Corner do receive the Poets Pages each month however the following locations have a branded distribution box where members of the public can pick up their own copy of the publication each month:
Poets Corner Smoke and Ale House
Black Raddish
Hove Methodist Church Halls
The George Payne
Holy Cross Church Hall
Baar and Sides Barbers shop
Hive Cafe
Ancient Mariner Pub
Little Gem Hair Salon