Resident’s Feedback
We wanted to share with you some of the great feedback that was emailed to us within a few days of the first edition going out…
I have read the new Brightonian, I used to get the Queens Park Living, which I enjoyed, but this magazine has definitely got more depth.
Anthony Brighton
I’ve just received the new The Brightonian through the door and it looks great.
Tarah Brighton
We have just received and read the ‘new look’ Hovarian magazine. We enjoyed the new format with its interesting and additional material.
Keep up the good work!
Richard & Jackie Hove
I love the new look local maglet, thank you for continuing to produce something so informative, well put together every month.
I always thought it would be a good idea to amalgamate the areas of Hove, as I certainly have an interest in the city as a whole and like to know what is going on across it.
My favourite pages are the biogs of local movers and shakers and articles on local history- Rachel Bridgeman’s contributions and the reproduced photos from the James Gray collection are what I particularly look forward to.
Notices from local councillors make them more accessible and Nathalie’s Health tips very helpful.
I was especially struck this month by the history of the seafront beacon – the fact that we maintain remnants of our past so brilliantly makes me incredibly proud to be a Hovarian.
Even the adverts are presented in such a way that they catch the eye, but don’t detract from the substance of the mag. Can I ask if you intend resuming your page detailing classes, events, group meetings etc when the ‘new normal’ is in full swing?
Keep up the great work.
Gabrielle Hove
The Hovarian came through the other day and I read through it this morning. It’s great to see what’s going on and finding out more about the residents in Hove, and the diversity of stories is great.
Glen Hove